Photo Tours Peru

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iam tour guide leading groups for around 8 years but the lasr 2 iam leading only my groups

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Mammals of Peru

Mammals of Peru

Brown Capuchin Monkey
Brown Capuchin Monkey

Common Woolly Monkey
Common Woolly Monkey - Lagothrix lagotricha
Peru has over 500 species of mammals, of which about 70 are endemic and about 100 are threatened or endangered. These include spectacular species like the Jaguar and Spectacled Bear and rare endemic species like the Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey.

Land Mammals

  1. Anderson's Mouse-Opossum - Marmosa andersoni
  2. Bishop's Slender Mouse-Opossum - Marmosa bishopi
  3. White-eared Opossum - Didelphis albiventris
  4. Giant Armadillo - Priodones maximus
  5. Nine-banded Armadillo - Dasypus novemcinctus
  6. Hairy Long-nosed Armadillo - Dasypus pilosus 
  7. Giant Anteater - Myrmecophaga tridactyla
  8. Southern Tamandua - Tamandua tetradactyla
  9. Silky Anteater - Cyclopes didactylus
  10. Southern Two-toed Sloth - Choloepus didactylus
  11. Pygmy Marmoset - Cebuella pygmaea
  12. Goeldi's Monkey - Callimico goeldi
  13. Black-mantled Tamarin - Saguinus nigricollis
  14. Saddlebacked Tamarin - Saguinus fuscicollis
  15. Emperor Tamarin - Saguinus imperator
  16. Black-chested Moustached Tamarin - Saguinus mystax
  17. Mantled Howler Monkey - Alouatta palliata
  18. Bolivian Red Howler Monkey - Alouatta sara
  19. Andean CatAndean Cat
  20. Red Howler Monkey - Alouatta seniculus
  21. Black-headed Night Money - Aotus nigriceps
  22. Spix's Night (Owl) Monkey - Aotus vociferans
  23. Night Monkey - Aotus trivirgatus
  24. Dusky Titi Monkey - Callicebus moloch
  25. Yellow-handed Titi Monkey - Callicebus lucifer
  26. Andean Titi Monkey - Callicebus oenanthe
  27. Common Squirrel Monkey - Samiri sciureus
  28. Black-capped Squirrel Monkey - Saimiri boliviensis
  29. Brown Capuchin Monkey - Cebus apella
  30. White-Fronted Capuchin Monkey - Cebus albifrons
  31. Common (Brown) Woolly Monkey - Lagothrix lagotricha
  32. Gray Woolly Monkey - Lagothrix cana
  33. Silvery Woolly Monkey - Lagothrix poeppigii
  34. Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey - Oreonax flavicauda (Endemic)
  35. Peruvian Spider Monkey - Ateles chamek
  36. White-bellied Spider Monkey - Ateles belzebuth
  37. Rio Tapajós Saki - Pithecia irrorata
  38. Monk Saki - Pithecia monhachus
  39. Red Uakari - Cacajao calvus
  40. Sechuran Fox (Zorro) - Pseudalopex sechurae
  41. Culpeo (Andean Fox) - Pseudalopex culpaeus
  42. JaguarJaguar
  43. Bush Dog - Speothos venaticus
  44. Short-eared Dog - Atelocynus microtis
  45. Maned Wolf - Chrysocyon brachyurus
  46. Jaguar - Felis onca
  47. Puma - Felis concolor
  48. Jaguarundi - Felis yagouaroundi 
  49. Margay - Leopardus wiedii
  50. Ocelot - Leopardus pardalis
  51. Andean cat - Oreailurus jacobita
  52. Pampas Cat - Oncifelis colocolo
  53. Greater Grison - Galictis vittata 
  54. Crab-eating Raccoon - Procyon cancrivorus
  55. South American Coatimundi - Nasua nasua
  56. Kinkajou - Potos flavus 
  57. Olingo - Bassaricyon gabbii
  58. Tayra - Eira barbara
  59. Long-tailed Weasel - Mustela frenata
  60. Tropical Weasel - Mulstela africana
  61. Neotropical Otter - Lontra longicaudis
  62. Giant Otter - Pteronura brasiliensis
  63. Striped Hog-nosed Skunk - Conepatus semistriatus 
  64. Spectacled Bear - Tremarctos ornatus
  65. Pink River Dolphin (Boto) - Inia geoffrensis
  66. Grey River Dolphin - Sotalia fluviatilis
  67. North Amazon Red Squirrel - Sciurus igniventris
  68. South Amazon Red Squirrel - Sciurus spadiceus
  69. Bolivian Squirrel - Sciurus ignitus
  70. Paca - Agouti paca
  71. Northern ViscachaNorthern Viscacha - Lagidium peruanum
  72. Mountain paca - Agouti taczanowskii 
  73. Brown Agouti - Dasyprocta variegata
  74. Kalinowski Agouti - Dasyprocta kalinowskii (Endemic)
  75. Pacarana - Dinomys branickii
  76. Capybara - Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris
  77. Southern Viscacha - Lagidium viscacia
  78. Northern Viscacha - Lagidium peruanum
  79. Short-tailed Chinchilla - Chinchilla brevicaudata
  80. Amazon Bamboo-Rat - Dactylomys dactylinus
  81. Yellow-crowned Brush Rat - Isothrix bistriata
  82. Bare-tailed Tree Rat - Makalata occasius
  83. Mountain tapir - Tapirus pinchaque
  84. Lowland tapir - Tapirus terrestris
  85. Collared Peccary - Tayassu tajacu
  86. White-lipped Peccary - Tayassu pecari
  87. Vicuña - Vicugna vicugna
  88. Guanaco - Lama guanicoe
  89. Marsh DeerMarsh Deer - Blastocerus dichotomus
    Photo by Mariano Gimenez Dixon.
  90. White-tailed Deer - Odocoileus virginianus
  91. Marsh Deer - Blastocerus dichotomus
  92. Red Brocket Deer - Mazama americana
  93. Gray Brocket Deer - Mazama gouazoubira
  94. Dwarf Brocket - Mazama chunyi
  95. Red Dwarf Brocket - Mazama rufina
  96. Northern Pudu - Pudu mephistopheles
  97. North Andean Deer - Hippocamelus antisensis
  98. Amazon Manatee - Trichechus inunguis

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A complete network of interconnecting roads linked Cusco to its provinces and other kingdoms and the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu was part of that system. Today it has become the most famous and popular trek in South America due to the variety of attractions it offers. The trail route lies within the Machu Picchu Historical Sanctuary, which was created by the government in 1981 to protect the natural beauty and the archaeological sites of this extraordinary area. This spectacular trail runs from high mountains down to cloud forest, passing through a number of diverse ecological zones filled with an enormous variety of plants and bird life. The route is also studded with archaeological sites which lead the visitor to the lost city of the Incas; Machu Picchu.